Alita Army
Alita Battle Angel
Directed by James Cameron. A SciFi action film. Rose Salazar, Christoph Waltz, Jennifer Connelly, Mahershala Ali. Cert 12. If you like Blade Runner, RoboCop, Terminator, Humans, Elysium, The Mortal Engines, Hunger Games, Divergent then you should see this. Spectacular effects. Many will fall in love with Alita. Those eyes are beautiful. A local doctor has been looking for spare parts. He often helps amputees with modifications. He stumbles upon a female body. He begins to fix her. She is trying to figure out who she is and the what city is like. Set in the 26th century. There was a major battle and much of the Earth has changed. A city floats in the sky. A sporting competition is held. Good cast of actors. Nice soundtrack. A strong female character. I am sure that I saw a reference to Terminator in one scene. Great fight scenes. I like how Alita is around certain people. There are bonus features. I have watched this film twice. Find yourself someone that looks at you the way Alita looks at Hugo.
Dua Lipa Swan Song

Dua Lipa Swan Song
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